Friday, March 6, 2009


Tottally don't know what to say but reading my sissy Lianes blog makes me want to blog some more too :) Even thou I have no idea what to say.
My SL in a nutshell right now, I have 2 wonderful sissys who make me laugh so damn hard I wanna fall out of my chair, I have a great BF, I'm a Co-Owner of Hooligan Streetwear which is pretty sweet and I still belive could be great if I would promote more, and I'm a sn@tch model which is awsome cuz I always spent so much moneybuying the clothes from there and now I get payd to wear them! WOO!
So last night I went to see the midnight showing of watchmen. It was pretty much amazing and I love it and me and my friend have developed loves for the inkface guy (don't rembmer his name just that it starts with an R) and The Blue guy who's name was John..... Or Dr.Manhatten..... whichever you perfer. We all kinda want him ;) LOL
Sothe movie had about 20 mins left in it, without spoiling too much, that inkface guy had just tried to tackle the other guy (won't say who) but missed and was flying towards the wall of TVs WHEN SUDDENLY! The screen went white! And poof! No more movie for me. It was like the epic battle of the movie, the one that would conclude everythign and suprize you don't get to see the end! F***!!!!!! But I got 2 free movie passes to go back so thats pretty sweet.