Wednesday, January 14, 2009

16 things about me

I saw this going around in blogs and decided it sounded like fun.

1. I dream of working on a movie set someday, not neccessarily as an actress, althou that would be awsome but just working on the set.

2. I sometimes think my dogs love me more then my friends.

3. I've only been truely, very drunk 3 times.

4. I have such a low self esteem that I feel bad that my friends have to look at me.

5. If I had the body I would be a stripper because they make great money.

6. I want to learn to walk in super high stillettos, but I'm afriad to break my ankel

7. I'm terrified of scorpians.

8. I'm afriad of leeches.

9. I went to the beach one time with my family and my brother had to tell me there was a big net tied from one end of the cliff to the other end of the cove we were in to get me to go out far because I'm afraid of sharks.

10. The first time I was sent to the principals office was in 1st grade, I mooned my class.

11. I'm having trouble thinking of 16 things to say.

12. I actually have been told by my mother that I'm a dissapointment

13. I've been to therapists and told I'm depressed, and I was supposed to be insittionalized but my parents wouldnt allow that, so I was supposed to be put on meds but they wouldnt do that either, so I was on suicide watch for a long time.

14. I don't think I'm good enough for anyone.

15. I'm obsessed with horror, supernatual things, and vampires.

16. I'm incapable of actually opening up to anyone.


Danielle Bronet said...

Wow. Great blog! I'm sorry I missed it until now, but I'm glad I found it. Good luck with this, Colorful.
