Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I like Big Butts and I can not lie......

You other brothers can't deny!. . . Just kidding. I was just at a particualr store that I love to sit and watch the lucky chair at and I noticed that almost everyone in there had a huge butt. I mean one girl came in blinging with her belly button ring on top of her shirt.

She had TINY waist, Huge hips, Tiny boobs, and a Ginormous (yes thats a word) Butt. Whatever. I like my av and thats all that matters. . . . Actually it kinda sucks because I was a fairly short Av. not like a tiny but not a giant person. but my bf made me grow because the kiss attachement wouldnt work right with me so short, I would kiss like his chest or something.

Well I was too short to ride the ferris wheel at the Carnival of Doom....